Novatilu installed more than 350 benches BCN21 in Hospitalet
- CustomerAyuntamiento de Hospitalet
- Date
- PlaceHospitalet de Llobregat
- Discharge
Novatilu installed successfully more than 350 BCN21 benches in Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain’s biggest no capital of province city.
The BCN21 is the bench par excellence in the range of Street Furniture. For its accurate design and for the quality of its finishes, it has been installed in many cities of the five continents to the point it has become the most implanted model since the beginning of the century. Does it exist a better guarantee than the one of thousands of successfully realised deliveries?
The author of the successful BCN21 bench, Joaquim Carandell, reckons that "for me, the greatest recognition is seeing one of my designs installed in many cities of the world". And now in Hospitalet as well.